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Derum was said to be the most enlightened Dwarf economist. His understanding of trade and commerce was only equalled by his dogged pursuit of the engines of commerce. The foundation of an economy starts with raw materials. In time it must evolve an refine itself. The advancement of culture is marked by its ability to conquer ever greater challenges. The measure of this adaptation comes in the form of economic prosperity. Derum preached that a civilization in decline has failed to reach the next economic plateau. Known as Deramubaru in the Three Kingdoms. 

Derum was once mortal. His life and his example to others made him a beloved leader in life. Upon his death thousands turned out to mourn his passing. Mortals were not the only ones to notice his impact on the material realm. The fates aligned to make a place for him in the pantheon of Gods to continue his teachings. He appeared to his followers on the day of his divine ascendance. That spring day has been celebrated ever since as The Great Accounting. On April 15 the worshipers gather to pay homage to the teaching and guidance of Derum.

Relationships to other religions
Derum is not favorably looked upon by most religions. He is seen as greedy as are his followers. 

Derum is often portrayed in his middle aspect with long braids from his beard and hair. His steel gray eyes are ringed with dark lashes that give him a forbidding bearing.

Divine Intervention
In times of economic strife Derum is said to share his wisdom to guide communities of followers out of economic despair. 

Divine Servants
Serum is said to be accompanied in his divine travels by a great black bear and a brown bull. These harbingers can often be seen before great changes in markets. Often prospectors and investors claim to have seen these servants before great boons or folly. 

Church of Derum
Operating more like a commerce hub than a traditional church. The building houses priests that perform more as investors and loan officers. Operating like Knights Templar, they spread the faith through coin and influence. 

The bear is seen at the harbinger of pessimism, but studios followers know that even in pessimism there is opportunity.

The bull is favored, the opportunity for growth is almost assured. 

Worshipers and Clergy
Merchant leaders and accountants now fill the ranks of his followers. Though he seems to favor the bold merchants who pursue new means of economic growth and advancement. Some within the church have begun to embrace the new science of alchemy as a tool to advance economic fortunes. 

Temples and Shrines
Structures for the church of Derum are typically build of stone. Acting as a bank, these fortified churches are peerless in their defensive capabilities. Secure doors and vaults pervade the structures. 

Holy Texts
Many of the holy books are the ledgers and notebooks made by Derum while he was mortal.

April 15 is the annual celebration of Derum Ebbar. Lavish festivals and large donations are a part of the celebration.

Cleric Alignments

Law, Knowledge, Travel, Healing

Loyalty, Thought, Imagination

Favored Weapon

Holy Symbol

Derum Ebbar

Dwarven God of Commerce
Places of Worship
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