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Kols Eyadar 
Dwarven god of honor and duty 

Known to his faithful as "Oath-Keeper", Kols is the dwarven demigod of duty. His personal duties are following and serving his father Torag and protecting his brother Grundinnar. He is also the deity tasked with exacting punishment on those poor souls who shirk their responsibilities or break sworn oaths and solemn promises. Some believe that Dranngvit, the Dwarven goddess of vengeance, is Kols' true mother.

Kols was born of divine parents. Raised in the pantheon of the heavens. His strict upbringing and sheltered youth had him believing that all creatures divine and mundane were always true to their word. When he began his great quest to draw followers he soon discovered that deception and lies were more common that honor and truth. Vowing to change this behavior by example and in teaching, Kols began his gran turismo to bring his vision to life.

Relationships to other religions
The son of Dranngvit and Meotar, Kols was raised among the Dwarven gods. He maintains a loose association with many of the gods, but his inflexible views often keep many of his contemporaries at bay, preferring less judgmental company.

Kols traveled the land on the back of his golden boar Mughurah. A champion of valor and integrity, many Dwarven knights depict a boar on their armor as a symbol of their strength and integrity.

Divine Intervention
For souls who keep to the rigid teachings of Kols, a divine favor is reserved. 

Divine Servants
Mughurah the great boar is the best known servant. The lesser known servants of Kols are the lowly ants. Known for their community integrity and hard work, the creatures embody the teachings of Kols. 

Church of Kols
The temples and holy shrines of Kols are usually located in the center of a town or city. Seeking to integrate into the fabric of whatever community they serve. 

Membership in the church of Kols has been slowly declining for the last two decades. Many of the structures have fallen into disrepair. Likewise, the once lofty position the clerics held in their respective communities has slipped and now they are more often seen on the street preaching the values of Kols to disinterested passers bye.

Worshipers and Clergy
Merchants who worship Kols are respected for their honest dealings. These kinds of merchants are harder to come by these day. Warriors have often paid homage to Kols as a show of respect to their craft.

Temples and Shrines
Structures are built to last with the strongest materials available in the area. Clerics often participate in settling legal disputes if authorized by the local ruling class. This is considered a service to the ruling party.

Holy Texts
Kols laid down on seven scrolls the edicts and tenets of the church. Copies of these scrolls exist in all the temples, safeguarded and placed in a place of honor. Lines from these scrolls are often engraved or painted on the inner worship spaces of the temple. 

Kols holds each workday as sacred, holding out Sunday as a day of rest and time for reflection. The longest day of the year is celebrated as Summit Valor the day of great achievements. 

Cleric Alignments

Community, Glory, Law, Nobility, Sun

Day, Judgement

Favored Weapon


Dwarven God of Honor and Duty
Places of Worship
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